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  • Ajoblanco with Grapes

Recipe Ajoblanco with Grapes

  • Ajoblanco with Grapes
Preparation time 40 minutes
Cooking time minutes
Amount 25 serving(s)
Difficulty Easy

This recipe was presented at our Big Garlic stand at the Fruit Attraction Fair 2015.

We presented this canapé in shot glasses, and here we have adapted the recipe to an amount of 25 shot glasses per tray, if you fancy preparing this canapé for an event.

We hope you like it and you find it easy to make. :)



  1. Grate the lime zest and set aside for the finish.

  2. Boil some water in a saucepan then add the almonds (with their skin). Cook for one minute then leave to cool. 
    Peel and set aside.

  3. Put the 2 cloves of garlic in the boiling water to soften.

  4. Peel the garlic and place in a mixing bowl along with the breadcrumbs, milk, sherry vinegar, salt and peeled almonds.

    Whisk well and add the olive oil little by little to lightly emulsify the cream. It should be a light, fine cream.
    If, after whisking, the cream is still lumpy, sieve to remove the lumps.

  5. Cut the grapes into slices and remove the seeds from inside (if there are any).


6. Pour the ajoblanco into shot glasses and line up in three rows on a tray.
Place a slice of green grape in each shot glass in the first row, a slice of red grape in each shot glass in the second row, and a piece of lime zest in each shot glass in the third row.


- It is important you arrange the shot glasses in rows as it enables you to have three different final results that have been prepared in the same manner.
- If you leave the ajoblanco for a day, it will become more flavoursome.
- The final result will be great if the almonds are raw and well-peeled.