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  • Artichoke Tortillas with Black Garlic.

Recipe Artichoke Tortillas with Black Garlic.

  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
  • Artichoke Tortilla Recipe
Preparation time 25 minutes
Cooking time minutes
Amount 1 serving(s)
Difficulty Easy
In summer we like to enjoy of our time and of a healthy, diet and simple diet. 
That's why we want to share with you this recipe that you will love. 
Furthermore, it is ideal for diabetic people (types 1 and 2). 
So, what are you waiting for enjoy cooking it! ;) 




  1. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them up finely.

  2. Peel the artichokes, removing the greenest leaves, until you can see the inner leaves, which should be more yellowish.
    Clean the stem without cutting it excessively. You only need to peel it and cut off the greenest parts to leave the most tender ones.
    Leave it in a bowl of water with a few drops of lemon juice, so that the artichokes do not oxidise.

  3. Cut them lengthways, as finely as possible, and brown them in a frying pan with just a splash of olive oil over a medium heat. When they start to turn golden, add the chopped black garlic, brown for a few seconds and then turn off the heat.

  4. In a bowl, beat two eggs per person, season them lightly and add the mixture of black garlic and browned artichokes, tempered so that they do not form an egg.

  5. Using a few drops of olive oil in a small frying pan for tortillas, heat up the mixture and then pour it out. Stir it energetically, pick up the edges of the tortillas and turn off the heat. Go back to the tortillas and use a spatula to pick up the edges and ensure that they are nicely compact and round.


    Place the tortillas on a flat plate of your choice, with a few slices of rustic bread and a few "crisps" of very crunchy artichokes.

Miguel Ángel Mateos - CHEF'S TIPS:

- A nice mayonnaise made of white or black garlic goes very well with tortillas.
- This recipe is just a base. You can make your tortilla with black garlic, with various fresh vegetables such as white or green asparagus, baby marrows, tomatoes, onions and fresh cilantro...
- The flavour that the black garlic brings is truly marvellous, as it provides very subtle and sweet garlic flavours, which combine very well with the egg and the browned artichokes.
- If you don't want to use lemon juices, so as not to alter the flavour of the artichokes, you can add a spoonful of flour to the bowl of water where the artichokes are going to be kept, or (if you do so quickly) brown them directly without putting them in water; just cut them up and brown them.

The next tortilla is yours!

Surprise us with a beautiful, tasty tortilla made with black garlic and some nice fresh vegetables.

You can also find this recipe at...